It’s that time of year again when we love to count things down. So for this month’s newsletter, I’ve put together a top ten list called: Fascinating Facts About Your Body. I hope it will help you appreciate how amazing your body is and encourage you to take good care of it no matter how… Read More
Chiropractic For Runners
For runners, chiropractic can be used for injury prevention because it emphasizes proper alignment of the spine and pelvis. The most common running-related injuries in patients, which range from recreational runners to Marathon winners, are Achilles tendonitis, patella (knee) tracking problems, plantar fasciitis, IT band syndrome and hip bursitis. Misalignment of the spine can cause… Read More
Helping Heal Your Abdominal Diastasis
By Dr. Sarah Visconti BSN, DC A growing belly is one of the most apparent – and adorable – signs of pregnancy. Less obvious, though, is the potential damage of the expanding abdomen. What is diastasis recti? Diastasis recti is the excessive separation of structures of the anterior abdominal wall. To accommodate for a developing… Read More
Dad’s Important Role in Breastfeeding and Your Baby’s Health
Even in cultures where most fathers have little interest in or knowledge about breastfeeding, they and the maternal mothers have a great deal of power over how mothers feed their babies. Studies in Taiwan, Australia, Canada, England, Scotland, Israel, Spain, Brazil, Sweden and PA, NY, MD, MO, GA, in the USA suggest that a father’s… Read More