I recently completed a Masters of Chiropractic Pediatrics through McTimoney Chiropractic College and Ulster University in the UK with a dissertation on the efficacy of chiropractic for pubic symphysis dysfunction (PSD) in pregnancy. It was very exciting to research what I have observed in practice for many years as a perinatal chiropractor and what I… Read More
Chiropractic in Perimenopause
Perimenopause is finally getting the attention it needs in support of the women going through the diverse and often intense symptoms caused by the shifting of hormones. As estrogen and progesterone fluctuate, the connective tissue integrity and elasticity is reduced and muscle mass and bone density starts to decrease. Lower levels of estrogen and progesterone… Read More
Chiropractic and Flexibility
Chiropractic care can help improve your flexibility and range of motion. A study in the Journal of Chiropractic & Manual Therapies showed that chiropractic adjustments provided measurable improvement in the movement of the neck for people who had a loss of normal range of motion between the vertebrae in their spine. A study in the… Read More
Soak Up the Sun with Beach Volleyball This Summer
Looking to dive headfirst into the excitement of beach volleyball? This thrilling summer activity is all about soaking up the sun, relishing the sand between your toes, and enjoying the company of friends. While agility, strength, and coordination are part of the game, the true essence lies in the sheer joy and laughter it brings…. Read More
Do Runners Benefit from Orthotics?
Injuries to the foot, leg, knee and hip are common for runners and joggers. Biomechanics play amajor role as well as the way your foot hits the ground. For example, supinators, runners with ahigh arch, have decreased mobility and underpronation which causes a decreased ability toabsorb shock. The shock is transmitted to the outside of… Read More
Found: The Best Backpack for Commuting
Check out Dr. Stephanie Bonn’s article published in the September issue of Chatelaine and this month’s blog: https://www.chatelaine.com/living/best-backpack-commuting/
Successful Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section in a 40-Year-Old Female Utilizing Chiropractic & the Webster Technique: A Case Study & Review of the Literature
As published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ June 3, 2022 ~ Volume 2022 ~ Pages 44-50 Objective: The purpose of this case study is to report a successful vaginal birth after cesarean section following a course of subluxation-based chiropractic care via the use of Webster Techniqueand Diversified chiropractic adjustments…. Read More
Tongue-Tie: A Holistic Approach for Breastfeeding Infants
Check out this article, written by Andrea Auerbach, D.C., on Chiropractic Support for Breastfeeding Challenges due to Tongue Tie from the ICPA: https://pathwaystofamilywellness.org/Informed-Choice/tongue-tie-a-holistic-approach-for-breastfeeding-infants.html
The Power of Breath
As published in the ICPA Chiropractic Newsletter. I had been training, attending births, and working toward my birth doula certification for more than two years before I birthed my first child. So, I approached my first birth excited and engaged in the process, and I largely muscled my way through labor, using all my doula… Read More
10 Evidence-Based Uses for Magnesium Supplementation
*Always check with your healthcare provider before starting a new supplement.* Magnesium is an essential mineral in the human body, responsible for numerous physiological functions, including energy production, neuromuscular conduction, nucleic acid, and protein synthesis, electrolyte balance, cellular membrane function, glucose metabolism, cardiovascular system regulation, and bone development. In fact, every cell in our bodies… Read More