As published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ June 3, 2022 ~ Volume 2022 ~ Pages 44-50

Objective: The purpose of this case study is to report a successful vaginal birth after cesarean section following a course of subluxation-based chiropractic care via the use of Webster Technique
and Diversified chiropractic adjustments.
Clinical Features: A 40-year-old female presented at 33 weeks pregnant with her third child. The patient had two prior cesarean sections due to malposition of fetus, deceleration of heart rate during labor and Pitocin intolerance. Vertebral subluxations, decreased range of motion, abnormal posture, and muscle spasms were observed during the chiropractic examination.
Intervention and Outcomes: The patient was managed using Diversified chiropractic adjustments and the Webster Technique. Weekly progresses was closely monitored to ensure the best possible outcome. A total of ten adjustments were administered and the mother was successful in having a vaginal birth after cesarean.
Conclusion: This case describes the case of a woman who was successful in having a vaginal birth after cesarean following the administration of Webster Technique and Diversified chiropractic